Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Booz Allen Hamilton empowers talent to solve complex problems

Management and IT consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton, based in McLean, Va., has more than 26,000 employees who work in 129 global offices. A phrase often repeated across the company is that it “empowers people to change the world.”

It comes as no surprise, then, that the #4 large company on the Best Places to Work in IT list this year (with more than 15 years on the list) boasts a strong tradition of recruiting the best and brightest, offering countless opportunities to grow, develop and learn — combined with a culture that is both client-focused and highly collaborative.

The company’s 500-strong IT organization is broken into four groups: Cloud Services, IT Service Management, Application Operational Support (Devops and DBA) and Business Operations. It serves as a mission-essential partner that drives the collective success of the entire business, focused on providing robust and secure technology solutions that the company can use to deliver results for clients across critical engagements in defense, civil, commercial and international markets. Its leadership has forged strong relationships across the company and works to infuse technology as early as possible in firm-wide business decisions. 

To read this article in full, please click here

from Computerworld https://ift.tt/2Vba50p

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